We at Utility Equipment Parts would like to honor our tree-trimmer friends as we acknowledge this year’s National Love a Tree Day.
Did you know that there is an annual event to celebrate trees … and rightfully so! In an odd way, we humans have a close relationship with trees. Where we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, trees basically take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. We know — it’s a little more complicated than that with the photosynthesis thing that trees do. But we clearly need each other!
Each year on May 16th we celebrate trees and all that they mean to us and we thought it would be a good way to celebrate Tree Day by researching and sharing with those of you who make a livelihood from trees. e.g. arborists with some fun tree facts:
The tallest tree in the world is 379 feet – we wouldn’t want to be the tree trimmer that works on that one! 😆
- The oldest known living tree is over 5,000 years old — a Great Basin bristlecone pine from California.
Yes, this was definitely before the invention of bucket trucks! YIKES
- You can reduce your A/C bills in the summer by placing shade trees on the south and west side of your building. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, shaded surfaces may be 20 degrees cooler than unshaded surfaces.
- You can also help your heating bills in the winter by strategically placing trees as a windbreak.
- According to the U.S. Forest Service, trees remove pollution from the atmosphere, improving air quality and human health. Kinda makes you want to hug a tree, doesn’t it?
According to the Rain Forest Alliance, more than 20% of the world’s oxygen is produced in the Amazon Rainforest.
- It’s been said that office workers with a view of trees report significantly less stress and more satisfaction. Is it possible that trees will replace dogs as stress relievers in our lives.
So there is a lot more to trees than what someone who hasn’t read this blog or who doesn’t tend to these beloved trees likely knows! The UEP Guys wish all you tree trimmers out there a great and safe National Love a Tree Day!
Whether you need parts and accessories for tree trimming or for any of your bucket truck, digger derrick or crane needs, contact Utility Equipment Parts (UEP) today.
We Know Parts and NOW some fun facts about trees!!