UEP addresses some pretty important and serious topics in our blogs but sometimes you just want to have fun. We decided to take a month off from the usual topics and came up with the top ten interesting things about bucket trucks you can find on the net.
We used google to search for fun, weird, and useful sites related to bucket trucks. We have to admit many are for kids, but please take a look.
- Bucket truck flash card sets to study different aspects of safety and bucket trucks:
- Bucket truck up song for kids on YouTube:
- Directions for how to build a bucket truck with Legos, for example,
- There is quite a range of clothing (particularly t-shirts) sporting bucket trucks, but this Hawaiian shirt really caught our eye.
- VW Bucket truck, previously featured on our website; let’s take another look because it kept showing up in the searches we made.
- Bucket Truck Video Games. In this game you drive a bucket truck around a city to rescue people and repair items.
- Saving a cheap old bucket truck–can it happen? The folks who created this video bought the cheapest used truck they could find and tried to restore it. Great watch for gearheads everywhere.
- Cookie cutters in the shape of a bucket truck. Just in case you missed Lineman’s appreciation day (April 18th) you can always make it up by baking them some cookies:
- DIY Kid-sized bucket truck from a kids wagon (via Pinterest)
and finally, just as a comparison…
- The tallest bucket truck in the world is the Bronto Skylife, which reaches 295 into the air. This height is just over 27 stories, when you consider that most bucket trucks range 29-55 feet (3 to 5 stories) that is pretty high.
If you have any kind of full-sized bucket truck and you are looking for liners, parts, manuals, upper control rebuilds, augers, etc., give us a holler. We would be happy to help. Contact us today:
- Toll Free Phone: 877-761-5940
- Use our online form