Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the hydraulic house
The bucket trucks were in their bays, quiet as a mouse.
Their buckets and liners were hung by the upper boom with care
Anticipating that a downed wire or damaged tree soon would be there.
The tools and ropes were nestled all snug on the truck beds
While visions of sugar-plums danced on the control heads
And mamma with her saw scabbard and I with my tools
Had just settled down to work on the triple valve spools.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
It was clear that this would take much more than just a ladder
Away to my bucket truck, I flew like a flash
Revved up the PTO and was ready to dash.
The moon shone on the breast of the new bucket liner
To a lifer tree specialist, nothing could be finer
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear
But a huge downed tree, so I shifted into gear.
With drivers so able, we got there darn quick
I hopped in the bucket and began working the joystick.
More rapid than eagles, the hydraulic fluid flowed
The unit purred – we were in high-efficiency mode.
Now Teco, now Altec, now Terex and Hi-Ranger
With well-maintained trucks we were in no danger
To the top of the sign, to the top of the tree
Outriggers down, boom up! It’s time to earn a fee!
I spoke not a word, but went straight to my work.
I consulted the ops manual, then turned with a jerk.
The winch rope was hooked up and we pulled it taught
This synthetic rope was a workhorse, a real juggernaut.
I sprang to my feet, to my team I gave a whistle
And away the bucket truck went, like the down of a thistle
But they heard me exclaim as I drove out of sight
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
The “UEP” Guys … We Know Parts!